Kamis, 04 November 2010

WildPackets OmniPeek Enterprise v6.5

WildPackets OmniPeek provides centralized management of all operations on expert analysis of enterprise networks.
Intuitive user interface OmniPeek helps administrators analyze defects in several segments of the network, in-depth analysis on various levels and quickly determine the cause of errors with a view to its subsequent correction.
OmniPeek enables administrators to:

* Analyze traffic on all local network segments, including segments of 10GbE, Gigabit and WAN, and all network segments
* Analyze and troubleshoot network;
* An expanded representation of a network and its segments using a tree showing the connected segments, used protocols and much more;
* Change filters without stopping and restarting the system;
* View local and remote connectivity;
* View traffic destined to form, for example, PDF, HTML-pages, e-mail, instant messaging.

Key features:
- Analysis of traffic of any (local or remote) network segments, including Gigabit and WAN segments.
- Ability to analyze all the punctures, are active in the network.
- Ability to change the filters on the fly, without restarting the sniffer.
- Ability to complete analysis of every sent / received packet.
- Ability to view local traffic, global or both of them at once.
- The unique flexibility allows the user full control over the traffic of each segment independently, enabling designers to identify the problem and its location.
- Availability of powerful tools for network optimization.

OS: WinAll

Language: English

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